Back to School Shopping… Delightful, not Daunting.

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As my days here at Fashion Denver start to come to a close the realization of school being near has me very excited especially because it means back to school shopping! It can be hard to figure out what you need, what you want, and how to make space for all your wonderful new goodies!

Cleaning out your closet and preparing your space for your new purchases can be a daunting task, but here’s a way to ensure it’s easy and you don’t accidentally get rid of anything you need or use. IF YOU HAVEN’T USED IT IN A YEAR… IT’S GONE! Let’s be real, you obviously don’t like that sweater enough to even wear it once last winter and it’s only taking up space that a sweater you truly love could occupy and give away those jeans you’ve been trying for 2 years to fit into. Also, it doesn’t matter if the shoes are durable or your favorite, if they’re worn out it’s time to go your separate ways. Dress for who you are today!

After cleaning out your closet it’s much easier to assess what items you need for the new school year! Make a list of NEEDS and then figure out your wants. For example: I start out with shoes- I live in Southern California so I mostly wear sandals and definitely have plenty of shoes! Nothing I need in that department, but I wouldn’t mine a new pair of black pumps (goes in the WANT section of my list).

With clothing it’s key to stick to your needs or you’ll end up with a lot of pieces you won’t be able to get much use out of. Stick to staples and then after you have your essential pants, skirts, dresses, shirts, and blouses you can move into the trendy wants.

My current list:

NEEDS- Light wash skinny jeans, leather backpack, white tank top, white shorts, blazer

WANTS- Light pink skinny pants, Ray Ban Aviators, black pumps, maxi dress/ skirt

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