Want to be an extra?

Hello fashionable friends at Fashion Denver! Want to be an Unglamorous Extra? I’m helping out on a fun short indy film and here is what the writer / director is looking for. Shoot date is Labor Day between 4-7. If you are interested please contact me at brandi@b23.biz

I am looking for 3-5 extras to fill certain roles for a “substance abuse graduation photo”  Any age from 18+ or gender is welcome.

The extras need to be willing to look as non-glamorous as possible; either in a punk or goth fashion, or simply blue collar poor, with ripped up paint on the jeans and a dirty t-shirt; for women this means no make up.

The idea is you look like you either do not get any sleep or are someone who would probably look better off under the influence than sober in the middle of the day…

I need one artistically inclined extra to do me the favor of graffiti/vandalizing a vinyl banner with a marker.  They need to write legibly, with somewhat artistic talent, and fairly quickly.  They can be dressed much better off, ie urban fashion/comfortable…with optional face mask or bandanna over mouth/dark shades.  Will be able to compensate with some petty cash for this role since it does require skill ($20).  Erasable marker will be provided for the shot, in case a retake needs to be done.

This is an unpaid cameo for the rest, but water, ice cream/popsicles will be available for their time; and will be featured in the credits.

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