Belldini Colorado Sweepstake Winner Details!

A follow up to our post about a lucky winner effected by the Colorado Fires. Read first post here.

Belldini Colorado Sweepstake Winner Details:

September 7, 2012 will prove to be a big day for Colorado mom Genevive (Genny) Johnson and her friend Jennifer Ronhovde! Genevive and Jennifer who were both diagnosed with blood cancer are the winners of a sweepstake hosted by Los Angeles based women’s apparel line Belldini and will be receiving brand new fall wardrobes. Belldini had originally planned to reward one mom with the wardrobe, but after a heartwarming request they decided that both Genny and Jennifer would each get their very own wardrobes.

Genny, a single mom of 2 suffered from two forms of blood cancer, the only cure to which was a stem cell transplant. While going through her suffering, Genny realized that the awareness regarding stem cell transplant was extremely low. She drew strength from her situation and helped develop a non-profit geared toward conducting college bone marrow donor drives. During the course of her treatment, Genny befriended Jennifer, a 26 year old who found out about her condition 3 days prior to her wedding day. Jennifer underwent her own transplant, but has relapsed several times and continues to be in treatment. Belldini faced a tough decision to select the winner from the pool of deserving candidates. However, after reading the inspiring entry submitted by Genny’s mother, who also made the request for the wardrobe to be shared by Jennifer, Belldini concluded that both women would be winners of the grand prize!

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