Happy New Year! Our 2012 in review!

Wowzers! Happy 2013 Fashion Denver readers! It’s almost officially been 1 year since we’ve decided to close the shop and focus on helping designers and other small businesses grow their passions. Closing down the shop allowed us to work on many fun projects in 2012. A year in review:

Co-Produced FROCK OUT 2012 with Fresh City Life at the Denver Public Library with Chris Loffelmacher. Designers competed for cash and prizes.

Helped to produce and host  2 Frock Shop Sales at our Fashion Denver headquarters.

Managed the fashion pavilion at the Denver County Fair.

Held 2 Fashion Denver fashion markets at the Grant-Humphreys mansion (spring & holiday)

Promotionally sponsored Colorado Fashion Week

Promotionally sponsored FuseDenver’s market

We are excited do dive into a new year with new fashion adventures! Stay tuned!!!


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