April 20th & 21st Frock Shop Sample Sale!

Frock Shop event fuses high fashion with low prices

Katie Gartner’s brainchild is back: Frock Shop allows Denver fashionistas to explore local fashions at discounted prices, all at one central location.

Saturday and Sunday, April 20th and 21st, CSU Apparel and Merchandising graduate Katie Gartner’s company, Frock Shop, will return to Fashion Denver’s headquarters at 1070 Bannock Street for a spring sample sale. “Frock Shop is an exciting opportunity for Denver’s independent boutiques and designers to be able to offer high style at a fraction of the price. Frock Shop is also a great way for shoppers to discover designers and boutiques that they may not have been aware of”, says Gartner.

This two-day event allows plenty of time for Denver fashionistas to drop in over the course of the weekend, and buy  local fashion. Shoppers can stop by Fashion Denver Saturday anytime between 10am and 6pm and Sunday between 10am and 4pm. While the event is sure to be a hit (as Frock Shop sales have been in the past), don’t expect to see catty shoppers fighting each other over the last pair of flattering jeans: Frock Shop is a friendly and social environment, where shoppers can take their time, grab some refreshments, and chat with a few designers.

When the words “boutique” and “designer fashion” come to mind, people don’t tend to think of great prices. However, the beauty of Frock Shop sample sales are that they are purposed to bring fabulous fashion and low prices together. All of the high-end designer clothes and accessories at Frock Shop are 50-80% off normal prices.

Participating boutiques this year are: Goldyn, Blush, Rack & Roll, Anna Be, and Unity. Participating local designers are: Mona Lucero, FreeRavin, Janie G, 50 Dresses, and Rae Marie. Fashion Denver and Katie Gartner are thrilled to be working with these talented boutiques and designers!


Contact for further information:

For more information, contact Katie Gartner at katie@frockshopsales.com or 720-375-6524.



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