Fashion Denver News Brief!

Monday, April 15th
Hello, Denver fashion-lovers!
Maya here. I thought I’d take an opportunity to let you all know about some of the cool things you can explore at and on our Facebook page. Yes, Fashion Denver plans fashion markets, fashion shows, and offers business services, but we also have a lot of fun and we want you to join us!

One of my personal favorite things to do for Fashion Denver is to take pictures of people and their outfits while they’re out on the town. Fashion is about self-expression, and it’s awesome to be able to chat with people about their style. You can find these “style-file” pictures in the “On the street fashion” on the Fashion Denver Facebook page.

Another thing I enjoy doing for Fashion Denver is writing about the exciting events, designers, and inspirations in our city. My latest piece is about the similarities between fashion and architecture. Click here to read!

I’m always looking to write more and I’d love to hear your thoughts on what you’d like to read about. If you think of an interesting fashion-related topic, or if you know of a local designer you’d like to read an interview from, let me know! Send me an email at

Thanks for supporting Fashion Denver and Colorado’s amazing fashion scene! Read below about our upcoming events: Sample Sale, Dirty Dancing, and our Spring Fashion Market!

Upcoming Events!

Frock Shop Spring Sale
Saturday April 20th: 10am-6pm
Sunday April 21st: 10am-4pm
Fashion Denver Headquarters
1070 Bannock St.
Denver, CO 80204

Spring is here whether we’re ready for it or not. But we might as well be ready for it, and welcome the new season in the most fashionable way possible! Frock Shop’s Spring Sample Sale is a great way for Denver’s fashionistas to explore local fashions at discounted prices, all at one convenient location (Fashion Denver headquarters!). This two-day event gives shoppers the opportunity to support Denver designers and boutiques, and for a fraction of the price. That’s right, folks: All of the high-end designer clothes and accessories offered at Frock Shop are 50-80% off normal prices. You do the math…high fashion plus low prices equals very happy fashionistas. It’s a win-win situation for everybody: Designers and boutiques get to show you all of the great stuff they have to offer, and you get amazing deals on that stuff! Katie Gartner, who dreamed this whole Frock Shop thing up, was really on to something here.


From last year’s Frock Shop Sample Sale

Participating boutiques:
Goldyn, Blush, Rack & Roll, Anna Be, and Unity.

Participating local designers:
Mona Lucero, FreeRavin, Janie G, 50 Dresses, and Rae Marie.

We hope to see you here this weekend!


“Hey Girl: Dirty Dancing”
Wednesday, April 24th: 6pm
Sie Film Center
2510 E. Colfax
Denver, CO 80206

Don’t you just love to be surrounded by people who pursue their passions and share their stories, despite any odds that may have been against them? I find it so inspiring and uplifting. That’s why I’m excited for Sie Film Center’s “Hey Girl: Dirty Dancing” event! Not only will the hit 80s classic Dirty Dancing be shown (come on, you know you love that movie), but Sahar Pazirandeh (philanthropist, fashionista, entrepreneur, public speaker, overall badass) will be giving salsa lessons and launching her newest project, Find Your Voice.

Sahar was born in Tehran, Iran during the Islamic Revolution, during which time she felt as if she lost her voice. Over the years, Sahar has been on a journey to find her voice, to share it with others, and to help others find their own voices. They “Hey Girl: Dirty Dancing” event is the start of Sahar’s speaking engagements with the Denver community, and Sahar is thrilled to continue empowering and inspiring. This event is open to the public, so come out and enjoy a happy hour complete with drink specials, shellac manicures, salsa lessons, and that classic movie we all love!

Tickets are $10 for the General Public and $7 for Denver Film Society Members.


Spring Fashion Market: Paninaro << Rewind
Dance Party & Fashion Performance: Saturday April 27th: 8pm-Close (Fashion Denver performance at 9:30pm) FREE 21+
Fashion Market: Sunday April 28th: 10am-5pm FREE & Open to the public, all ages
Tony P’s
777 E. 17th Ave.
Denver, CO 80203

It looks like April is shaping up to be a very fashionable month! Here at Fashion Denver one of our favorite things about the transition from winter to spring is, of course, our spring fashion market.

This spring we’re changing up the venue: Fashion Denver will be collaborating with Tony P’s on 17th to present Paninaro<<Rewind, a weekend of fashion fun! On April 27th at 8pm, the public is invited to kick off the spring market with us during Tony P’s Paninaro night, a celebration of Italian 80s culture. On this night, local designers will show off their Paninaro-inspired designs in a fashion performance and attendees will get a chance to preview some of the designs they may want to purchase the following day. The night will be full of dancing, 80s music, great food, and great people. How could one resist?!

The following day from 10am-5pm, the spring fashion market at Tony P’s will allow Denver fashionistas to see and shop through over 20 local designers. Come see a fashion show or two, buy some local fashion, and grab a tasty lunch (or an afternoon cocktail-no one is judging!).

Featured designers:

50 Dresses
Barberry & Lace
Genuiz Ink
Giddyup !
Kimono Dragons
Meant Clothing
mercer and jayne
Fashion House of Rae Marie
st.a.b. designs
Urban Cipher

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