Do what you love. Love what you do! Workshop April 6th!

My next workshop for dreamers & doers is coming up and I’m so excited to have it at our newly remodeled Fashion Denver space!  Here is the info..

CNN Money
Shigley on CNN Money

April 6th, 2011, Denver’s very own entrepreneur and fashionista, Brandi Shigley starts the new year off by offering her workshop for aspiring fashion designers and business owners. ‘Do What You Love, Love What You Do’ workshops are designed to help local designers and emerging artists take their creativity and passion to new heights by learning how to turn it into a business. Join Brandi Shigley for the next workshop at the Fashion Denver Headquarters 6:30pm to 9:30pm to learn the art of channeling creativity into a successful business by getting tips and lessons from award winning designer and entrepreneur.

In addition to having her work published in numerous magazines and newspapers, Brandi Shigley has been recognized for her inspiring energy and creativity in the fashion industry by major publications such as CNN Money and Denver Business Journal— naming her one of the ‘Top 40 Under 40’, ‘Top Up & Comer of the Year’ in5280 Magazine and ‘A Designer To Watch’ in International Design Magazine. Her award winning work and passion for fashion has made Shigley a successful business owner and designer who continues to inspire other aspiring entrepreneurs and designers to follow their dreams and succeed in the world of fashion.

“Growing up in a family-owned and operated business, I only know entrepreneurship,” said Shigley in Asian Avenue Magazine. Adopted from the Philippines at 16 months old, she grew up in Colorado with her family who taught her the art of owning and operating a business since she was a child. She began her own business at age 23 when she started her own line of handbags called b.shigley designs. Even though it began as a hobby, it quickly grew into a small business, taking her designs to boutiques in Paris, London, New York, Chicago, Denver, San Francisco and San Diego. She later began her own business development company called b.23 productions and is currently the CEO of Fashion Denver, lead singer in her band b.sous, and maintains a passion for helping other aspiring entrepreneurs and designers start their businesses with her workshop ‘Do What You Love, Love What You Do.’

In her workshop, Shigley covers topics on creating the perfect work space, developing a brand identity, building websites, marketing your product or service, constructing and writing a press release, producing events, and so much more! Tuition and materials for the workshop is $65.

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