New Summer Fashion Denver Intern

Aviary Photo_130462997911239672Hi fellow Fashion Denver fans,

I am so pleased to meet you all as the new Fashion Denver Summer Intern. My name is Jacqueline Madrid and I recently graduated from Metropolitan State University with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism. My very first article I attempted to write while in school was about Fashion Denver; honestly I have yet to show Brandi the finish piece due to the unfortunately low grade (hey now, it was my first article.) At that point I could not have imaged that two summers later I would be working as the intern for Fashion Denver and with Brandi.

Someday I want to own my own boutique, maybe start a male consulting firm, travel to LA to dabble with Celebrity PR and finally, become a stylist. I know, wow. But life is long and a girl can dream right? As for now, I love being a native and can’t imagine leaving Denver. I am so happy to be the intern for Fashion Denver and I am looking forward to soaking up all the knowledge I possibly can from the experience.

Some of my duties for summer include capturing the street style around the city so beware, if you look good I will find you! Also, I will be blogging for our website, attending local fashion events and most importantly assisting with the Summer Fashion Denver Market SPLASH on July 20th, which I hope to see you all there. It is going to be a great summer for us and I hope for you too.

Nice to meet you all and thanks so much for reading this – Jacqueline

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