Extended Hands Of Hope Fundraiser

Extended Hands of Hope Fundraiser
Saturday, January 17th
Overland Crossing
Purchase tickets here


“Colorado nonprofit hosting fundraising party to raise money and support to open the first emergency shelter for underage girls rescued from sex trafficking.”

Sex trafficking in minors is an increasing problem that is beginning to come to light and community awareness is on the rise. Homeless Denver youth are at great risk of falling victim to traffickers. A child on the streets can be desperate to have even their most basic needs met. Many of these children are running away from abusive and broken homes. Within 24-48 hours of running away, 1 out of 3 teens will be approached by a trafficker.

It’s difficult to find these children and even when they are “rescued”, there are very few options for their treatment and housing. Currently, there is no emergency housing set up specifically for underage girls once they are rescued by law enforcement. Emergency housing that is open 24/7 is much needed, so that these victims don’t find themselves in detention centers, jail or homeless again.

Extended Hands of Hope began with the mission to fill in that gap in a small way. We realized the great need for a welcoming and loving home for these girls to go right after they are rescued from sex trafficking. Extended Hands of Hope will offer services to meet the immediate and short-term needs of these girls, while a long-term treatment program is considered.

As part of raising awareness about our projected work and the money needed to make it possible, Extended Hands of Hope is hosting our Kickoff Fundraising Party January 17, 2015 from 2-6pm at The Studios at Overland Crossing in Denver. This event will feature live music by The Hazel Miller Band, gourmet hors d’oeuvres from The Corner Office restaurant at the Curtis Hotel, valet parking by Towne Park, an exciting silent auction, a presentation on sex trafficking of minors by Sgt. Daniel Steele of the Rocky Mountain Innocence Lost Task Force, a fashion show by Denver local designers KimonoDragons Designs and PimEra Designs, and ending the afternoon with a dance party put on by SSS Productions.

Buy tickets today and be a part of fighting trafficking in Colorado:


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