Do What You Love. Love What You Do.

Wednesday night, Brandi hosted her first Do What You love. Love What You Do workshop of the year. And what better way to kickoff the year than with a phenomenal workshop that helps guide aspiring entrepreneurs to take that first step in doing what they love. The workshop is a great way for these entrepreneurs to take their passion and creative ideas and be able to turn them into a business. Because why not do something you love everyday and be able to make a living off of it? 

As a newcomer, not really knowing what to expect, I came into the workshop with an open mind, I was excited to see what was in store for the rest of the night. We started out the night with a  jam session led by Brandi, this allowed everyone to let loose. It was also a great way to show everyone you are allowed to have a little fun, even when talking about business.

One thing Brandi had us do at the beginning of the night was to have everyone write out their biggest dream and their biggest fear. After looking at everyone’s dreams, a common theme that arose: people want to have the ability to work for image3themselves and be able to have the freedom to create. Looking at everyone’s fears was much different, every single person had a different answer, which ranged from failure to being able to sustain themselves. I liked to be able to see our dreams and fears and find commonality, to realize you’re not alone. 



The workshop was a step-by-step process on what one would need to be able to start their own business.  It was a workshop that covered the beginnings of your business, building your brand, how to communicate and network. This workshop not only went in depth of how to start a business, but this workshop also was a first step to get over your fears. This workshop is also the first step to turning your dreams into a reality and stepping out of your comfort zone to pursue a career that you truly love doing.

I’m not going to get into too many details of the workshop itself because this is the kind of workshop you have to experience for yourself. But, as someone who is still trying to figure out my dreams and fears and what I actually want to do with my life, this workshop opened up my eyes to so many possibilities and that my dreams are attainable.

At this workshop, you will not only be able to learn more about being an entrepreneur, but you will also have the opportunity to meet amazing people, who might be going through the same hardships as yourself. The Do What You Love workshop is a great first step into finding your true happiness.


The next Do What You Love. Love What You Do Workshop will be held in mid March, so please come out and find out what it’s all about!

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