Model Call Out for November 21st ReUp market

Want to get involved, get connected, and have a fashionably fun time at our fall market ReUP on November 21st at Green Spaces? Fill out this for if you are interested in modeling. We are looking for 8 female models and 2 male models. This is a volunteer opportunity which will include hair and makeup and lots of fashion fun! Fittings will be held Wednesday, November 18th from 5-8 at Green Spaces. Fittings will only take up to 15 minutes so as soon as we get you in your 3 outfits, you are free to head out!

Aura Lavendar, designer behind BroccoliAndCrystals models for our shoot for our summer market. Photo and styling by Dorian Phaero. Dress by R.Lee, earrings by Mukee.

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