DESIGNER CALL OUT: Fall Fashion Market at Green Spaces

ReUP {Fashion Denver’s sustainable fashion market}
Saturday, November 21st
Green Spaces
1368 26th Street
Denver, CO 80205
$135.00 to participate
$115.00 student rate

We are so excited to host our fashion market at our new HQ at Green Spaces! This fashion market is all about sustainability! Recycling, upcycling and focus on our environment are key to participating in this market.

Featured designer above Equillibrium: Photo above by Steve Babirad, models Kristina Bandhand & Brooke Crawford


Colorado boutiques, clothing and accessory designers are invited to come and set up a mini shop and share their sustainable designs with the public. You keep all sales made throughout the day.

The market opens to the public at 10am and runs until 5, with 3 different fashion shows that run through the course of the day.

The benefits for involvement are as follows:

– Extensive PR 6 weeks leading up to the event:

– Postcards distributed throughout the state listing participating designers names

– Mini interview with link to your website from Fashion Denver’s site.

– Your fashions will be featured in the fashion show!

– You keep 100% of sales. Keep in mind YOU are responsible for sales tax.

Please fill out this application and Fashion Denver will review the application and get back to you to let you know if you have been accepted into the show!

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