Sizzlin’ 6 with designer Emily Bormann

Emily BormannYears ago, Emily Bormann interned for Fashion Denver, assisting with styling and event production. She’s always had an eye for fashion and design and we are thrilled to see what she’s done with her fashion sense as she launches her own collection!

WHEN: August 18, 2016 7PM
RUNWAY SHOW will be begin at 8, please RSVP if you plan on attending. Arriving early is encouraged as seating is limited.
OPEN HOUSE will begin at 8:30

1. What were your obsessions growing up?

Growing up, I was obsessed with cats and unicorns. My drawings always had one or the other. I also loved babies – any kind of baby. I had a pink stuffed cat with a velcro pouch in it’s stomach that contained kittens. It was totally weird but I loved that cat like nobody’s business.

2. How did fashion become the symbol for your creative expression?

When I look back, fashion has always been the symbol of my creative expression. I remember being in elementary school and pausing the Sound of Music frame by frame so that I could draw each of the children’s outfits, the clothing Fraulein Maria made from the leftover drapery material. Interestingly, I drew them completely flat without a body. As a child, I didn’t see fashion for it’s status, I was purely fascinated with the textures, shapes, and color combinations. Fashion is just a part of who I am.

Fraulein Maria designer

3. Do you see a stylistic connection between the things you do in your daily life that is reflected into your collections?

LL Cool JI absolutely see a connection between the things I do in my daily life reflected in my collection. I’m greatly influenced by hip hop. I enjoy going to shows and just soaking in the feeling of the music. My collection very much has that feeling of a beat, a rhythm.

4. What is your research process like before starting a collection?

Emily BormannTruthfully I am researching all of the time without knowing it. Having worked in retail, I see what women are buying and why they are buying it. In turn, it is important for me to look through fashion magazines and watch any type of design or fashion related documentary. Gathering inspiration from designers and mixing it in with knowledge of the consumer has lead to this incredible place of balance.
5. How has fashion impacted you?

Fashion has impacted nearly every decision of my life. It led me to college, to intern in New York City, to pursue it as a career and try many different facets of the industry and ultimately begin to learn how to make it my dream career. Fashion is such a powerful form of expression. It allows you to speak a million silent words. My love connection with fashion fuels my flame to create a better world.

6. What is your opinion on the fashion scene in Denver from a designers perspective?

Emily BormannFrom a designer’s perspective, the fashion scene in Denver is an egg ready to hatch. We’ve been growing in incredible ways for years but we haven’t quite put ourselves permanently on the map. Not to say there aren’t well known designers within the Denver community, I am talking about really calling attention to ourselves. I want to hear people all over the country say “What are those cats doing in Denver?!”


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