Stylish Sparrow at the White Party

We’re excited to have Lisa Sharpe with Stylish Sparrow back for the 2nd time in a row at the White Party and fashion show extravaganza with 303 Magazine! Learn how she will be taking us from summer to fall at her pop up shop next Thursday!

What inspires what you select for your pop up shop?

The season and venue are the two things that inspire the selection of clothing I’ll have in the Stylish Sparrow Pop Up Shop. Being on the brink of the fall transition has my creative juices flowing about how to adapt summer clothing into the next season. My mind is dancing with possibilities of clothing we can enough right now through October!

Stylish Sparrow

What do you see is a great trend in “summer into fall” fashion? 

My favorite “summer to fall” fashion hack is how enjoy white while also feeling true to the season change. I am so excited to share examples of how to wear white jeans in the fall! I’ll have some great things ready for you to try.

Stylish SparrowWhat is your most favorite WHITE fashion item that you own? Can you snap a picture? 

My white Sevya kaftan is is my all time favorite white garment. The angel sleeves, white on white embroidery and whispery, and cool cotton are quintessentially summer. And Sevya is Fair Trade handmade. What could be any better? I have a couple of these to bring to The White Party so you can try for yourself!

Tell us about your style business? Who do you work with? 

Stylish Sparrow is about discovering your sense of personal style. Style resides within you, and my job is to work with clients who desire to enjoy getting dressed every day. I love getting in the closet and making sense of what is in a woman’s wardrobe. Guiding women to make the most of what they already own and gain confidence in how they present themselves is an adventure!

I work with moms, women entering the workforce for the 1st time, women in transition, women who hate to shop & those who dread special occasions because they don’t know what to wear or how to find it. I offer a complete resale inventory to my private clientele.

What are your 6 month goals with your business? 

 My six month goal is to start a campaign about real, everyday women who are pursuing personal style. Style has nothing to do with size, shape, money or labels. The campaign will focus on who each woman is & how this connects to her personal style.

Tell us about your last vacation!

My vacation is happening right now! I’m headed to Avalanche Ranch to soak in the hot springs. My last vacay was floating on the CO River and riverside camping. I am so grateful to live in Colorado!

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