Designer Interview: Julia Rhoden Design

The first time we met Julia Rhoden, of Julia Rhoden Design, was when we held an eco-fashion competition where designers were partnered up with an ecological fashion disaster! I need to find those photos!! Julia’s design was so innovative and clever and ever since then, she has been on the forefront of our minds as a designer here in Denver.

Let’s see what inspires this woman!

What inspired your love for fashion and fashion design?

Honestly for most of my life I wanted to be a zoologist and chase wolves around in Russia UNTIL I saw the movie the ‘Devil Wears Prada’ in high school and I instantaneously became inspired by the ‘Miranda Priesly’ character and just knew in my heart- “This is what I need to do.” Senior year of high school I changed my direction and directed everything towards becoming a fashion designer.

Little Julia in the polkadot dress

The first thing I ever made was my best friends bright yellow prom dress!

Julia Rhoden's first design, a prom dress for her best friend
Julia Rhoden’s first design, a prom dress for her best friend

How long have you been designing?

I have been designing since high school but have been seriously designing over the last seven years. Really honing in on my construction, my technical skills and aesthetic.

Did you go to school for design or are you self taught?

Both I was fortunate enough to learn sewing skills from my auntie and then continued to build a foundation at Colorado State University where I earned a bachelors degree in Apparel Design and Merchandising with concentrations in Fiber Arts and Production.

Who is/are your biggest inspiration/s? (Family, Friends, Designers, etc…)

One of my biggest Inspirations especially for my latest collection is my Grandmother Joy. She was a beautifully talented artist and her work was full of color and life. I continually draw inspiration from her paintings that surround me in my studio. I draw inspiration from my French roots and my close friends I have around me. I want to keep my work as genuine as possible, I do not want to copy or replicate anything I have already seen.

What message or story do you aim for your clothes to tell?

I want my clothing bottom line to be comfortable. I want anyone to feel empowered to wear these pieces and feel confident. My collections are meant to be something different so you feel unique and you’re wearing something special.

Caroline Miller Photography from Massif Fashion Week Spring 2018

What is your go to textile?

My go to would have to be knits! Again, I love to be comfortable and knit fabric always does the trick. Especially if I’m using ecofriendly materials, for example Bamboo is ecofriendly and create an incredibly soft knit fabric that I love to death!!

What was the inspiration behind your latest collaboration that you showcased at Massif Fashion Week?

The inspiration for this collection really came from a combination of things my love of color and texture, my grandmother Joy and my French roots. I was searching for the right artwork, which evoked the texture, and expression I was craving for my new collection. So I was incredibly excited to collaborate with artist Wayland Chu, his work if full of emotion and color and pure raw power. His line work and human body attributes are incredibly attractive to me and I could not wait to print his work onto fabric. I have always been moved by my grandmother’s work, she was an incredible painter and I drive my vision for color from the vibrant paintings she created while I was growing up. Lastly, my French roots have always been very important to me and they were demanding my attention for this collection, drawing me into the world of street fashion that I absolutely had to explore.

Caroline Miller Photography from Massif Fashion Week Spring 2018

What does 2018 look like for you in the world of fashion?

I will be releasing my latest collection to shop come Memorial Day weekend! I have a few editorial shoots in the works for this summer and a special occasion commissioned piece. Fashion moves that I can’t wait to share with my followers!

Website, Instagram and any other relevant links.

@juliarhodendesign – Follow Julia for all the latest and greatest!