The Lion Project Gala: Seeking donations

It is such an honor to be on the board for The Lion Project! Our 2018 gala is coming up surrounding mental health and we are looking for donations for our silent auction and live auction! If you are a creator, designer, have a service company, and want to donate, please read below!

Thank you in advance!!

A Note From Executive Director Zakery Ferry

Do you or someone you know struggle with mental health? Chances are yes! According to National Alliance on Mental Illness, “1 in 5 adults in the U.S. experience mental illness in a year; 1 in 5 youth (ages 13-18) experience a severe mental disorder in their lifetime.” This ranges from substance abuse, suicidal thoughts/actions, anxiety disorders, depression, and more. Have you ever felt like you wish you could do something about it? Well now you can!

Every year, the Lion Project’s board of directors select a cause that has either moved our hearts collectively or an adversity our society is enduring. For 2019, they have selected to focus on the country’s silent killer – mental health.

Today, mental health is the white elephant in the room, but many organizations are working together to surround this vital discussion of recovery and bring awareness and solutions to the stigma and giants that our country may be facing.  

As the statistics rise in teen suicides, deaths from addictions, and overall health challenges our country faces, there is an urgency to step in and support these organizations. Now is the time to hyper focus on accelerating the growth of these nonprofits who are on the front lines serving mental health initiatives.

Your support is crucial –

Marketing is not a priority for nonprofits, but as you know it’s essential for sustainability and bringing attention to the good work they are doing in our communities. For every dollar the Lion Project raises, it is able to return 10x that amount to the nonprofits in total donation value through video production, marketing services, community service projects, and exposure!

Partner with other business owners, such as yourself, in our mission to accelerate the growth of nonprofits by making a monetary donation, or consider an in-kind / gift certificate donation for our silent auction or live auction for our Annual Lion’s Gala event, solely focusing on funding our goals for 2019 initiatives.

Here are ways you can make a donation:

Make a donation online:

Call us at 720.663.8222  | ext 101 or ext 102

Send a check to:

The Lion Project
1415 Park Avenue West
Denver, CO 80205


Zakery Ferry // Executive Director

(760) 505-6147 // // Voice of the silent heroes