Art show for our homeless community

Art for HopeA big part of our Denver community is the homeless community. Right by our Fashion Denver headquarters on 26th and Walnut is a community of homeless people who have brought me great inspiration. It’s hard to ignore what is happening on our streets and not want to do something about it. Many of the people on the streets are so incredibly talented and have passions and skills that we don’t even realize because we are so busy walking by.

I am thrilled to partner up with Westword and Dateline Gallery to put together an art show by the homeless community and for the homeless community!

Canvas: An art show to showcase and benefit the homeless community and inspire hope and creativity!

We will be distributing art packs to the homeless community. Each art pack will come with a 5×5 canvas or other material that will be the backdrop of their art piece and either paints, markers, colored pencils, pastels, etc.

Money from art sold and collected at the door would benefit Denver Homeless Out Loud. (I’m still waiting to hear back from them and hope that they will be on board for this!)

We have moved the date back to early fall (October) as we continue to collect and distribute art supplies! Stay tuned for new date!

Dateline Gallery
3004 Larimer
Denver, CO 80205

Dateline Gallery

Brandi Shigley
Johnny Morehouse
Jeromie Lawrence

art-supplies-3-1550964WHAT WE NEED:
Art Supplies! You can drop off art supplies to Green Spaces (2590 Walnut Street) anytime M-F 9-5pm OR to the Westword Office on 11th and Broadway!

This idea was birthed when I parked my car by Resurrection Village and began my morning walk to work. Jerry Burton, a homeless man gave me a gift of a beautiful flower that was created by an artist named Robin. At first I couldn’t accept this gift. Jerry said to me, “Brandi, as open as you are to give, you must be open to receive.” I smiled and took the flower and talked to Robin. Robin told me how he finds so many things in the trash that he can make things with. By the time I arrived at my office, the idea to put this art show into together was already in motion.

Jerry Burton

As soon as I got to my desk, I used social media as a way to get the word out that I’m collecting art supplies. Within just a few hours, people were writing back, coordinating times to drop off art supplies.

I truly believe that when we have hope, when we have a goal, and when we can shine our light and creativity, life has a purpose.

It’s so easy to walk by people living on the streets and ignore them, being too busy in our own lives to even care. When we open up, engage and converse with all of our community, do we see how truly beautiful people are. We can’t turn our heads and ignore these bright shining lights that make up our community.

I knew right away that I wanted to work with Johnny Morehouse (fellow Mastermind) who I have been working on many projects over the past decade with. He can make an art show happen in his sleep! And with the newest Mastermind Jeromie Lawrence and his amazing gallery, the pieces began to come together.

This is an art show to not only benefit the homeless community but to bring our community together so we can all get to know one another, no matter our social status. This is an art show to highlight the amazing talent that calls our streets “home”.

Want to get involved? Fill out this form!


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