All posts by B. shigglesworth

Dreamer / Doer / Founder of Fashion Denver

Fashion Denver turns 13! Come and celebrate at our Fashion Bonanza!

Fashion Denver 13th Anniversary Bonanza
Friday, June 16th 4pm-10pm
2875 Blake Street (Bierstadt Lager & C Squared Cider Beer Hall)
Free and Open to the public!

Fashion Denver celebrates 13 years this June 16th with a fashion market bonanza! Throwing back to the wild wild west, the Bonanza celebrates its history in the RiNo district and the several designers that have contributed to Fashion Denver over the years. The bonanza will feature local designers to shop through, 2 fashion shows (7pm and 9:30pm) and will also benefit the Denver Rescue Mission with a hygiene supply drive.

The Fashion Denver Bonanza will feature local designers and their collection of jewelry, handbags, and belts to apparel to custom couture for men and women. With prices ranging from $5.00 to $300.00 there is something for everybody!


“There are so many things coming back full circle,” says founder Brandi Shigley. “We’ve done our fashion markets all over this neighborhood over the course of 13 years  and seen this neighborhood go through extreme changes. I’m really excited to do our summer market with Chris Rippe, owner of The Rackhouse. We partnered together 10 years ago when … Read more!

Sizzlin’ 6 with Stylish Sparrow’s Lisa Sharpe

I first met Lisa Sharpe of Stylish Sparrow last summer and really fell in love with the eye that Lisa has for style and the services that she offers to others. This will be Lisa’s 2nd time doing one of our markets and it is truly a joy to have her light shine at our events. Come see Lisa next Friday at our Fashion Denver 13th Anniversary Bonanza!

For me, the most important thing in life and in the world, is people. All people.”- Lisa Sharpe

What inspired your pop up? 

Synergy is something that fuels my work with people and fashion.   Collaborating with people who are fun, free spirited fashion lovers is inspiring!  Celebrating special occasions ignites a little fire in me, brings joy and results in a little more excitement as I prepare for an event.  All of these elements will come into play as I select the merchandise I’ll bring to the 13th Anniversary Fashion Denver Bonanza! 

What inspires what you carry in your collection and where do you find your goods? 

My colllection comes from adventures in thrifting in Denver, Miami and Orange County.  I look for pieces that speak to me and Read more!

Sizzlin’ 7 with Maria Harlan, brains behind Prickly Hearts

I first met Maria Harlan 12 years ago when she was a student at CSU. She volunteered at one of our first fashion markets and has since then graduated, moved to Arizona, had a decade a life and life brought her back to Colorado! It is so fun to have Maria IN our fashion market, all grown up 🙂

Let’s learn a little bit about Maria and her line of jewelry Prickly Hearts. …

What was your first memory of fashion inspiration that you can remember? 

I remember visiting my Grandparents in Iowa every summer and them having these huge JCPenny catalogs.  I would spend hours going through them and tearing out all of my favorite styles and creating vision boards with them.  I must have been 7 or 8!  

What motivated you to start your own fashion business?

I was avid browser on Etsy and decided one day that I should just go for it!  I opened a shop and never looked back.  I was itching for my creative outlet to mean more than a hobby to me.

What inspires your designs? 

The seasons and color! 

What are your thoughts about the fashion industry here in Denver?

It Read more!

Sizzlin’ 7 with The Mechanic’s Wife

We are excited to announce that The Mechanic’s Wife will be part of our Fashion Denver Bonanza anniversary! This will be the first time that Sally, brains behind the beautiful jewelry, has shown at one of our markets.  This small town Colorado girl brings her inspiration from her family and her passion for upcycling to her jewelry line and we all get to get a glimpse on June 16th! Let’s learn more, shall we?

1) What was your first memory of fashion inspiration that you can remember? 

Honestly, I don’t remember, I just know I have always loved fashion, jewelry and designing.  It’s just a part of me.

2) What motivated you to start your own fashion business? 

I have this little problem of, “I can make that!”  My mind constantly looks at things and automatically starts to think of what I can do with it, how I can make it into something, what else can it be used for.  My business was created out of a passion to just create.  It has encompassed everything from being a flower shop, interior decorating, clothing design, painted furniture and jewelry design.  My 5 year old daughter, Elexx tells me daily I’m a Read more!

Sizzlin’ 6 with Michelle Hale of M Designs

For the people who love and dance and be free, do we have the designer for you! Michelle Hale, climber, spa & boutique owner, designer extraordinaire, and Burning Man woman, will be featured at our 13th Anniversary fashion bonanza June 16th! 

Here are a few questions with Michelle!

Who were a couple of your fashion icons growing up as a kid and teenager? 

As I kid I loved Cher.  What an icon….and all about fashion.  Then of course we move into the Madonna phase

What inspired you to start designing? 

It probably began with getting more decadent at Halloween.  My 1st trip  to Burningman was huge for inspiration and to motivator me to start making my own clothing.

Where do you draw inspiration from?

To this day I still get highly inspired from festivals such as Burningman.  I also use fashion magazine’s like Vogue and Elle  for inspiration 

Tell us about your Headquarters (shop and beauty shop) 5) 

I have a small skincare and permanent makeup boutique in Boulder called The Beauty Spot where I have been lucky enough to have the space to display and sell and of my designs.

What has been the most challenging obstacle that you’ve Read more!