All posts by B. shigglesworth

Dreamer / Doer / Founder of Fashion Denver

New Summer Fashion Denver Intern

Aviary Photo_130462997911239672Hi fellow Fashion Denver fans,

I am so pleased to meet you all as the new Fashion Denver Summer Intern. My name is Jacqueline Madrid and I recently graduated from Metropolitan State University with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism. My very first article I attempted to write while in school was about Fashion Denver; honestly I have yet to show Brandi the finish piece due to the unfortunately low grade (hey now, it was my first article.) At that point I could not have imaged that two summers later I would be working as the intern for Fashion Denver and with Brandi.

Someday I want to own my own boutique, maybe start a male consulting firm, travel to LA to dabble with Celebrity PR and finally, become a stylist. I know, wow. But life is long and a girl can dream right? As for now, I love being a native and can’t imagine leaving Denver. I am so happy to be the intern for Fashion Denver and I am looking forward to soaking up all the knowledge I possibly can from the experience.

Some of my duties for summer include capturing the street style around the city so beware, if … Read more!

Summer is here!

Fashion DenverSummer has arrived…well, not officially, but it sure does feel like it! With this gorgeous warm weather, dresses coming out of our closets, and fashion fun in store for the next few months, we can’t wait to get this summer started!

Stay tuned for our summer schedule and more fashion / style / and trend reports!

 … Read more!

Fashion Denver Workshops

Time to finally take that fashion dream of yours and make it a reality! In July, we will have 2 workshops to help you get that dream accomplished!

Do what you love. Love what you do WEDNESDAY JULY 23rd:

Denver’s entrepreneur and fashionista, Brandi Shigley offers her workshop for aspiring entrepreneurs. ‘Do What You Love, Love What You Do’ workshops are designed to help people with business ideas take their creativity and passion to new heights by learning how to turn it into a business. Learn the art of channeling creativity into a successful business by getting tips and lessons from award this winning designer and entrepreneur.

The Apparel reciPIE ™” THURSDAY JULY 24TH
This workshop is designed to take your fashions from design to delivery! Tricia Hoke is a long time Denver-ite, who has been living and breathing fashion in Denver for over 10 years.  She has worked in almost every aspect of apparel- from the factory floor to custom clothing to retail buying.

To register for the workshop(s), you can make payment via Paypal. If you sign up for both workshops, you will get $10.00 off


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