Interview with Leslie Kinson of Blackberry Maverick, a featured designer at our summer fashion market Splash, happening Sunday, June 26th!
What were your obsessions growing up?
I was obsessed with exploring the outdoors (I grew up on a farm) as well as all kinds of art, from gardening to acrylics, to watercolor, to sculpture, to sketching and ultimately making clothing.
How did fashion become the symbol for your creative expression?
My town growing up was a tiny farm town in Vermont where my high school class had only 92 students from the entire county. Fashion for me was a was to stand out and express my individuality in a atmosphere with such a lack of diversity. At home it allowed me to spend time with my mother, learning all of her skills and at school it allowed me to get out of the boring classes in order to do creative projects instead.
Do you see a stylistic connection between the things you do in your daily life that is reflected into your collections?
Absolutely. I love being on the forefront of everything and I love to be noticed! Whether through my personality as a waitress, the way I … Read more!