Call out for our Fashion Challenge at the Eco-Disaster fashion show

Alright designers! We’ve got a pretty fun fashion challenge for you to participate in, if you want to stretch your mind and imagination! Join Fashion Denver and Warm Cookies of the Revolution for an Eco-Disaster fashion show!

Wednesday February 25th 6pm-8pm
Eco-Disaster Fashion Show at Mini Market
The McNichols Building
144 West Colfax
Denver, CO 80202
Application and more details here!

Druid Coke - By Carmelo Varela, found on pinterest
Druid Coke – By Carmelo Varela, found on pinterest

Imagine what our world will look like if we do nothing to combat global climate change. The essential question, of course, is: Whatever shall we wear?! Denver designers (YOU) will create an outfit that will be runway show ready and will challenge us to imagine, critique, and plan for a new way of life that may not be far away.

This is cutting-edge fashion for our ecological future!

There will be 8 designers that will pick a subject from the list below and you will be able to set up a rack or table to sell your designs 🙂

You can be as creative, imaginative, political, and wild or as simple as you want to be! Get your creative / environmental hats on and be part of this innovative fashion show!

To participate, please email me and I will send you the application! There is no cost to participate. This is a community event to give exposure to issues we may one day be facing….

–Mass Animal Die-Offs

–Rise in Urban Pests

–Mass Plant Extinctions

–Intense, Decades-Long Drought, Particularly in the West

–Rise of Genetically Modified Feed Animals and Plants, Created Strictly for Human Use

–What Are the Consequence of Monocrops?

–Disappearing Geography: Underwater New York, and other Coastal Cities, or Regions and States that Disappear Entirely

–Colonizing the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

–Clones, for Pleasure, for Service (Techno Slaves, or Replicants, like in Blade Runner)

–Mass Migrations, and Civil Wars

–Mass Tree Die-Offs

–Recycling Body Fluids (Like in Dune), and Human Waste (Hair, Nail Clippings, Feces)

–New Luxuries: Non-Synthetic Cloth, Cotton, and Wood, All Become Luxury Consumer Items

–Peak Oil: Focus on Available, Local Materials; Using Body Heat, Kinetic Energy, or Body-Mounted Solar Panels to Charge Laptops, Phones, Ipads/pods

–Changes in Humans: Taller? Shorter? More Tan?

–Extreme Class Distinctions, Revealed in Our Clothing: Hierarchies Expressed in Fashion

–Rise in Superbugs: Clothes That Keep You From Getting Sick

–Migrant Camp Ethos: Redefining Personal Property–Clothes That Are Interchangeable, Can Be Shared With Others

–Shoes to Withstand Different Extreme Environments

–Urban Flooding

–Clothes to Shield Us From the Sun, and Mitigate Heat: More Clothes, Like the Bedouins, or Less?

–Glaciation: Ice-Caps, Where There Used to Be None (Like In Britain, Western Europe)

–What Will Be the Subcultures of the Future: What Will Be “Fashion Forward,” or “Street” in This New World?

–New Ceremonial Dress: How Do Our Religions Adapt to New Circumstances, and What Does That Look Like?

–Workwear Changes: Practicality? Increase in Service-Oriented Jobs? Skinner Clothes? (Less Material) One-Piece Tunics?

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