Category Archives: Thoughts on fashion

Fashion Denver.. A brief history

Fashion Denver history

Ahhhhh… it’s almost been 10 years since I’ve started Fashion Denver and boy how it has evolved and grown and shrunk and grown again! Fashion Denver started out as my way to help local designers get their businesses out there. I used to be a handbag designer (I’m semi-retired) and my business took me to Southern California, London, Paris, New York and more! I realized that it wasn’t exactly the designing that I was passionate about but that drive to get my handbags out there. After moving back from San Diego, I realized that I wanted to focus on taking all of the experiences that I’ve had and using them to build on the fashion scene in Denver.

When I was in California, I did these fabulous fashion markets that featured designers in super cool gallery space. It was such a wonderful event and it allowed me to sell my bags to people that may not have found me otherwise. When I got back to Denver, I wanted to create a similar market like the ones I had sold in, but add other elements like fashion shows, interviews with designers, dj’s and more! So, in 2004, I produced the very … Read more!

My interests…by Maya

On fashion...One thing I’ve learned about myself over the years is that I am interested in just about everything. Sometimes these interests come in waves (what some people might call “phases”-though I don’t like that term; it implies a lack of true interest). But there are some things I’ve been consistently and passionately interested in forever:  Fashion and architecture, for example. And you know what? They’re really not all that different!

Both fashion and architecture are a constant battle between form and function. Consider your favorite pair of stilettos: They’re amazing and you get compliments on them wherever you go, but maybe wearing them feels a bit like torture. In the same way, architecture often sacrifices functionality for visual appeal. A building may look beautiful, but perhaps it isn’t very approachable and inviting, or maybe it was poorly placed. Think about it: A beautiful building in a bad neighborhood really isn’t too different from pairing Jimmy Choos with sweatpants.

While there are plenty of examples of “plain” fashion and architecture, the whole concept of both of these fields are about rejecting the ordinary by pushing boundaries and exploring new ideas. Honestly, we could all walk around wearing burlap sacks. We … Read more!

Writing from home with a cold. Achooo!

Uggghh… I seem to have caught the cold that is going around amongst our friends and colleagues.  When I woke up this morning, lying around in my big baggie shirt and sweat pants, I realized that dressing frumpy may actually be making me feel worse. So, I put on a cute tee shirt with my yoga pants and I feel like I’m already feeling better.

Question for you.  What do you wear when you’re under the weather and how do you spend your day?

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Heading to Alaska

Hello!! Well, I’m going from a rainy week in Colorado to ALASKA and I leave tomorrow! Let me tell you, it’s been a fun challenge to figure out what I should pack! I can definitely eliminate the bright pink pumps, the feather headdress, and mini skirts! I’ve opted for lots of leggings with fun tees and sweaters and of course, super cute mud boots. I could wear plain ol’ boring mudboots, but why when I can wear fun bright floral mudboots!

I also always geek out about what to pack in my airplane bag. Which books should I bring, which little handbag should I bring, which wallets would be the best for traveling.

I’ve settled on bringing:

-The Richest Dad in Babylon

– Even Cow Girl’s Get the Blues

– A brand new blank journal for my Alaska adventures

– A sarong that can be used as an airplane blanket, scarf or blanket to sit on on the beach

– My headlamp

I’m getting so excited! 24 hours from now, I’ll be on a plane to Anchorage! And I feel so good to know that Fashion Denver will be watched by my business mentor Kathy Bacon, founder of Dress for … Read more!

To my fellow 4 Eyes: A discount for you at SEE

Hello to all of my stylish fellow 4-eyes!  In the past, I’ve found that not all eye shops carry cute frames and as somebody who loves fashion and wants to be stylish with my glasses, I finally found the perfect place to shop for all of my eyeglass needs… SEE!!

Located in Cherry Creek North, this eye boutique, complete with eye doctor, has a HUGE collection of stylish glasses for all different types of personalities.

I spent about 30 minutes trying on 20 different pair of glasses and finally settled on a pair that suited me! One of the things that is mildly annoying is always changing from regular glasses to sunglasses when I go outside and to remedy this annoyance, I got the transitional lenses and LOVE them!! No more carrying around 2 pairs of glasses. I just step outside and VOILA! My eyeballs are protected from the sun!

I’m also a huge fan of great customer service and Angela and Heidi were so much fun to work with. They were patient with me in narrowing down my favorite glasses and were super helpful. Also, my eye doctor was awesome!  All in all, I had such a fun experience … Read more!