Chloe Groom Joins The Team (that’s me!)

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Greetings! I’m Chloe Marion Groom (yes like a Bride and a Groom)

I was born in Redwood City, California but home is in Aspen, Colorado.  I am currently in my last quarter of college at the University of Denver pursuing my Bachelors of Arts degree in Psychology and Marketing.

The next thing you may be wondering is what my plans are for after graduation. Well that’s a great question and I’ve actually been wondering the same exact thing lately. What I do know is that I’ve never taken a traditional path in life. I took a year off after high school to do community service in the South Pacific for the first half of the year and later took a backpacking trip in Europe. I did my first year of college in New York City and ended up transferring to DU in the fall of 2013.

Apart from loving the outdoors, my dog Nigel, my friends and family, and the occasional Moscow Mule, I love fashion and here’s why: Straight from one of my favorite songs by Theophilus London I Stand Alone, and if you’ve heard this song before please sing it out loud right now: “The clothes don’t make the man, it’s the man that makes the clothes” this just says so much about fashion.  One of my many goals as Fashion Denver’s marketing/PR  intern is to not only join designers and fashion lovers together but to show the people of Denver why and how fashion is so much more than just clothes on a body, but rather a form of self-expression that can always bridge a gap between people. I want to explore the fashion world and meet the people that truly make the clothes that we fashion peeps love and have a kick ass time doing it!


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