Denver Street Boutique Parks at Fashion Denver!

We are  so excited to have The Denver Street Boutique at the Fashion Denver headquarters on a much warmer day when it’s not 0 degrees out!! Stay tuned for dates!

Lindsey TreesRead our interview with Lindsey Trees, brains behind this stylish mobile fashion boutique!

What inspired you to create Denver Street Boutique and how long have you been around?

I love fashion and have ALWAYS wanted my own store. I stumbled upon the concept of a Fashion Truck which made my dream so much more realistic! Bought the truck in May and were live in August – about 90 days in biz at this point.

How would you describe the fashions that you carry?

Stylish, trendy women’s clothing at a moderate price. I am all about trends, but do capture classic styles as well.

Lindsey’s favorite item

What item of clothing / accessory can you not live without. Please take a picture of it too!

My latest obsession is my sequin-sleeved army jacket. I sought it out at LA market and is now a chilly weather staple 🙂

What are you doing when you’re not on the truck?

Usually hanging with my kiddos and hubby, but you can likely find me doing yoga, running or drinking wine with friends 🙂 I also LOVE travel, just doesn’t happen enough these days.

What 3 things would you want if stranded on an island?

A cushy lounge chair, vino and a good book.

What are your thoughts on the Denver fashion scene?

It is on the up and up! I feel like Denver is definitely starting to show its true fashionista and I am excited to be joining the community in this exciting time!

What’s in store for the next 6 months?

E commerce – #1 goal is getting The Street Boutique store online…a solid weekly schedule will be in the works too so we are easier to track down.

What is the best way to find you and your fabulous truck on the streets?

Facebook and Instagram. We will have a calendar online in 2015 as well, part of our goal to be more predictable 🙂

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