Dress Drive a Success!

We had an amazing Sunday this past Sunday as we raised money and shared our Colorado talent at our Sunshine Daydream Dress Drive.

Over 150+ dresses were made and will be shipped out to Haiti (through the non-profit organization Love A Child)  and the Philippines (my orphanage that I stayed at as a baby, the RSCC in Quezon City). We were also able to raise over $1500 for Love A Child! $1500 will go so far in Haiti!

Thank you designers, Studio Salon, the Urban Angels for partnering up on this event with us! 20150614_090043


Here we are rolling 150+ dresses down to Studio Salon for our Dress Drive!


Andrea, owner of Studio Salon and her fiance, made a donation to this surfer dress designed by Deb Henriksen of Equilibrium! This dress is going to the Philippines!

Designer, Elizabeth Adair helped us set up and she also designed this adorable dress that’s going to Haiti!


We had such a fun morning! Thank you again!! xoxoxoxo

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