Eco-Disaster Fashion Show

There was a great turnout at the Eco-Disaster Fashion Show last week! Thank you to everybody who came to the show. A huge shoutout to our designers, speakers, models, hair/makeup stylists that braved the snow to be apart of our show! Also a huge thank you to Warm Cookies of the Revolution for collaborating with us to bring this thought-provoking show to life.

Here are just a few pictures from the show:

IMG_5694      IMG_5699          Before the show!  

IMG_5701                              Brandi in her Eco-Disaster Fashion Attire

IMG_5711 Deb Henriksen, one of our designers and speakers of the night 

IMG_5732 IMG_5765 IMG_5721 IMG_5738

                        Some of the designs featured in the show                                   (Starting top right, clockwise:  Julia Rhoden, Simone Ruckman, Deb Henriksen, Richard Smith)


Thank you again to everyone who came out to support us!

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