Eco-Disaster Fashion Show Designers – Stephanie Miller

As we get closer to the day, here is another designer that will be featured in our Eco-Fashion Disaster Fashion Show, Stephanie Miller.

Stephanie Miller is a Colorado native and graduated from Colorado State University in 2013, where she earned her Bachelor of Science in Apparel Design and Merchandising with a concentrunnamedation in Apparel Design and Production. Her love of sewing started at a young age and really grew during her junior high and high school ages. She wants to aspire to be as good of a seamstress as her grandmother – she can sew anything! Her best advice to Stephanie was to always make sure the hems were neat and as perfect as possible. Stephanie’s designs are inspired by her travels and experiences. For the most part, her designs are feminine and occasionally more abstract. She likes to experiment with different shapes and fabrics, it is a great opportunity for learning. She has an acute attention to detail and a very strong work ethic. Her goal is to push herself wherever she can so she can grow as a designer.

We got a chance to interview Stephanie about the upcoming fashion show and her topic, ‘future/fashion forward/street.’

Q: Why did you pick the topic that you picked?

A: I picked the topic of future/fashion forward/street because I loved the idea of the “what if” and could really let my imagination run wild. It really forced me to think outside of the box and to push myself creatively since I tend to design/create in a “safer” box. Who really knows what the future fashion will look like but I definitely wanted the challenge.

Q: Can you give us a little sneak peak into your design process for your eco-disaster selection?

A: My inspiration for this design process is coming from my travels and what inspired me while traveling. I mainly pulled inspiration from my trip to South America last summer. I was inspired by the people and the way they dressed, as well as seeing the street art and murals. The art was so unique and interesting to look at, even if it didn’t make sense but I still appreciated it none the less.









Q: Where can we find/purchase your designs?  

A: I am currently in the process of creating a portfolio website to showcase some of my work.


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