Eco-Disaster Fashion Show Designers – Deb Henriksen with Equillibrium

Equillibrium is the first designer featured in our Eco-Fashion Disaster Fashion Show Designer installation!

Equillibrium is a lifestyle street wear brand specializing in apparel, handbags, and accessories for both Men and Women. The designs and products created use the idea of triple bottom lineEQ_JimHoward_copy_grande principles: people, planet, and profit. The founder and creater, Deb Henriksen, has a background that is rich in urban root through her skateboarding, city roots in high fashion, and sustainability roots in green building and Environmental Health. It’s through this homogenous mixture is what inspires Equillibrium’s style. Compared to their competitors, Equillibrium is a brand that stands out. With 10 plus years of  solid reputation, Equillibrium has influenced consumers, colleagues, and the apparel industry to become more conscious of the process and become less wasteful in general.

Below is just a short interview with Deb Henriksen, creator and founder of Equillibrium, and a little detail about why  she chose to have her collection topic be Mass Animal Extinction for the Eco-Fashion Disaster Fashion Show.

Q: Why did you pick the topic you picked?

A: The broad spectrum of topics that can create drastic changes in the environment resulting in mass animal extinction.

Q: Can you give us a little sneak peak into your design process for your eco-disaster selection?

A: Well, I think my background in Environmental Health and knowledge of potential hazards in the environment will be applied well in this project.

Q: Where can we find/purchase your designs?

A:  (list of stock on the website)


You can learn more about Equillibrium on their website

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