Eco-Disaster Fashion Show Designers – Julia Rhoden

Next on our list of featured designers is Julia Rhoden, with Julia Rhoden Designs!

Julia Rhoden, a recent graduate from Colorado State University is just beginning to venture into the industry. She believes that the Denver area has potential to be the next big fashion capitol, as it continues to grow every year. Her work has involved a lot color, unique lines and geometric shapes. She wants to continue to explore ways to incorporate fiber arts and fashion into one.

We got the chance to do a quick interview with Julia to talk about her upcoming designs for the Eco-Fashion Disaster Show, and why she chose her topic, ‘Glaciation: Ice Caps.’

Q: Why did you pick the topic that you picked?

A: I picked my topic because I’m inspired by ice and snow… it can be soft and beautiful or sharp and terrifying. Water is essentially vital to life on earth and should be treasured.

Q: Can you give us a little sneak peak into your design process for your eco-disaster selection?

A: My design is going to reflect the sharp and terrifying aspect that I can see in snow and ice, the glaciation ice caps are massive and awe inspiring, I’m going to try and bring that in my piece.

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Q: Where can we find / purchase your designs?

A: To further view my work, feel free to check out my website, email me at or visit my Facebook page, Julia Rhoden Designs.


Go check out Julia Rhoden on her website and Facebook page (listed above), to learn more about her and see more of her designs!

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