Eco-Disaster Fashion Show Designers – Richard Smith

We are excited to announce our final designer that will be joining us for the Eco-Fashion Disaster Fashion Show, Richard Smith!

Richard Smith is an avant garde designer. He taught himself how to design couture and tailor clothing. He mainly focuses on menswear design and clothing. A unique piece of information about Richard is that every show he has been apart of has been for charity. He always looks to help causes through his art.

We got a chance to interview Richard and talk about his topic for the show, “Clones for Pleasure” and what his design process looks like.

Q: Why did you pick the topic that you picked?

A: I chose this topic personally to attack some experiences I faced recently head on. A place I used to work at had very shady customers that propositioned people for prostitution. I was constantly harassed and one day decided that I knew my self worth and fled. I never spoke out about it because I didn’t know how to, but this show came up and I wanted to express myself the only way I know how, through art and my muse is fashion.

Q: Can you give us a little sneak peak into your design process for your eco-disaster selection?

A: My design process was first to express that I myself know that I, on the inside am soft, vulnerable. But on the outside I cage that from everyone. The people who propositioned me only saw what they wanted from me. So I’m doing a metal cage sort of shell and underneath is silk/soft sensual fabric. A harsh cage that makes you focus only on ones “sexual” assets. A song I play during this is “Government Hooker” by lady Gaga because I envision in the future these beautiful women forced into prostitution for only their looks but they have beautiful souls and want self worth and recognition, yet these cages worn makes them believe they are only born to please.

Q: Where can we find/purchase your designs?



To find out more about Richard, go to his Facebook page listed above!

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