Eco-Disaster Fashion Show Designers – Simone Ruckman

We’re thrilled to announce yet another designer that will be featured in the Eco-Fashion Disaster Fashion Show, Simone Ruckman.

We are very excited to feature Simone in our show because she is new to the Denver fashion scene. Simone will bring in a fresh look on eco-fashion, as she is only 12-years-old! Do you remember what you were doing when you were 12? Well Simone is turning her dreams into reality and focusing on designing new fashion and advocating for our environment. Here at Fashion Denver, we are all about doing what you love, so all the power to Simone for starting at a young age!

We got a chance to interview Simone’s mom about Simone’s topic, ‘Colonizing the Great Pacific Garbage Patch’ and her design process.

Q: Why did you pick the topic that you picked?

A: She chose this topic because in school she is learning about the effects of plastic in our oceans. The harm it causes to not only the people but the wildlife that calls the ocean its home.

Q: Can you give us a little sneak peak into your design process for your eco-disaster selection?

A: She is inspired by the images she is researching about. The animals, the ocean, the people, the millions of plastic bags and bottle tops. The color of the ocean and the textures of the plastic and the mounds of trash. Most of all she is inspired by the environmental impact that this causes to all.

Q: Where can we find/purchase your designs?

A: New and inspiring 12yr old starting out and currently does not sell items unless contacted through her parents email:


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