ReUp Designer Edith Muyinda

In just 10 days, we will be holding our fall fashion market the ReUP at Green Space (1368 26th St, Denver, CO). Here is our first interview from one of our designers featured in the market, Edith Muyinda.

Q: What is your business name?

A: Byasima Couture

Q: What is the mission of your business?

A: To create chic gowns for curvy women.Nov Fashio show pic 1

Q: How is your product / services helping the world be more green or sustainably conscious?

A: I am interested in promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly products. I chose to use products that can be recycled or natural materials. I want to promote the idea that in fashion we can use our imagination to be green by recycling everyday products into fashionable dresses. For my next designs I plan on using recycled fish nets and sea shells collected from beaches.

Q: What do you hope to get out of ReUP?

A: I want an opportunity to showcase my creativity; meet fashion designers and learn more about other ways to keep our environment clean.

Q: What are your personal Fashion inspirations?

A: I have a short story: when I was 10, I used to read my sister’s fashion magazines. Earlier than that, I used to play dress up. I remember my friends and especially my dad telling me how fashionable I was. In trying to match the designs in the magazines, I mixed and matched my outfits all the time. When my dad told me that in addition to business studies, it would serve me well to study fashion. I knew then, that one day I would design beautiful gowns. I am inspired by nature: the natural environment, light, water.My style is artistic and chic. I create handmade and handcrafted unique designs. For instance I will be showcasing a hand sewn fish net dress. To make this dress stylish, I will add sea shells to it

Q: What are 3 things you would bring if stranded on an island?Fish net and sea shells

A: First, I am going to look for the quickest way to get off this island. If it’s a woody island or close to the beach, I would make a fire or use any shiny objects to signal for help, or use a stick or sharp stone to write in the sand or mud- HELP! If in four to five hours there is no help in sight, I will look for where to sleep and something to eat. If this island has cocoa nut trees, I could survive on eating cocoa nuts and drinking cocoa nut milk for a while, until help comes.If I have my cell phone with me, which is most of the time, I will call or text or send what’s up messages for help, to my
friends before my phone battery expires.
I always carry my coloring book when I am travelling. Presently I am coloring vogue art nouveau fashion. Coloring reduces my stress. I will do some coloring as I wait for my rescue.

Q: What is your favorite thing about your brand?

Q: I feel limitless in how I can create designs, how I can use all kinds of materials to make stylish dresses for curvy women. I have many ideas and I enjoy the freedom to be as creative as I wish to be.


Be sure to join the event here and we look forward to seeing you at the ReUp!

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