Brandi Shigley, Fashion Denver, Fashion Camp

Fashion Camp January 21st

Saturday, January 21st
Green Spaces
2590 Walnut Street
Denver, CO 80205
$75.00 includes materials


Activities for the day include:
– Getting to know you! We’ll be doing a fun activity for the campers to get to know each other. We like to start our day out with kindness!

-Accessory making! We’ll be making jewelry with found objects.

-Art Heart! Our kiddos will be designing a piece of art for the holidays. With this activity lead by our partners at The Urban Angels, doing good for our city.

– T-Shirt recovery! We’ll be taking a plain white shirt and completely converting it into a dress / shirt / skirt combo, or anything that our camper desires. Darlene C. Ritz will be joining us for this with her awesome t-shirt tying and embellishing skills! Darlene is Chair of Fashion Design at RMCAD, an instructor and designer. This will include stenciling, embellishing, no sew techniques for altering to give the t-shirt some shape, painting, and whatever the imagination can create.

Fashion Camp

-Learn to walk the runway and pose for the camera. We LOVE bringing in designers and models to share their talent with our young ones, giving them confidence and showing them how to strut their stuff! Alyssa O’Harold is a recent graduate of Barbizon and will be going to IMTA in New York in July. Fashion Camp

-Hair and makeup done by a Denver salon.

-The Fashion Show and debut of their designs!

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