Fashion Forum happening November 14th!

From Kathy Bacon and Mona Lucero

Fashion Forum

Monday, November 14th 6pm-8pm
2590 Washington Street
Denver, CO

Dear Designers:

You are cordially invited to participate at a forum for Fashion/Accessory & Jewelry Designers! This is a forum to LISTEN & HEAR form YOU! Really – we want to know from you as designers what will be the best for this creative community. We can’t stress enough how this is for YOU and about YOU!

With all the exciting things happening in fashion in Denver, such as several fashion weeks, cut & sew operations, design incubators, fashion schools, fashion shows, et al…

We want to know- is there is a desire or need for designers to come together in a more unified way? A fashion commission, a fashion board? Or something else?

Please come to a meeting to discuss the options. We have invited Ginger White Brunetti of Denver’s Arts & Venues, Anthony Aragon of Denver Boards and Commissions, other special speakers to be announced soon. We’ve also invited you, the designers, to discuss what you see for Denver’s fashion future.

This is your chance to express what you see is needed – don’t miss the opportunity!

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