Favorite item of clothing: The hoody!

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetEver since I moved to San Diego, I’ve always had an idea of what my perfect hoody would be. When I was living near the beach, it had to be a hoody that I could curl my  legs up into and rock back and forth while I watched the sunset.  10 years later, back in my home state of Colorado, my hoody needs are different.

I love to have that one staple signature piece and I think I’ve found it in my new Krimson Klover hoody. The charcoal grey will match most of what I wear yet the pop of pink adds some zest to any outfit. I am also a fan of things that have a feminine fit. Often times, hoodies and sweaters look masculine on me. While at the same time, I don’t like it when things are too tight and constricting. The fit of the hoody is PERFECT!

I’m also a fan of pocket space. It’s annoying when things have pockets but you can’t fit anything into them. My cell phone, eye glass wiper, and chapstick fit perfect so I can truly be hands free.

Oh! 1 more thing that I love about this hoody!! It folds up so small which makes it great for packing into an adventure pack. I’m excited to test it out when I’m at the beach in LA while on my Word Love Tour in May!

Thanks for designing such a perfect piece Krimson Klover! This will be one of my new staples! I LOVE IT!

Get yours here..


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