Featured Babes on Bocce designer {Aura Lavender}

Designer Interview: Aura Lavender

Questions asked by Brandi Shigley | Fashion Denver

1. What one memory do you remember that sparked your interest in the fashion world?

When I was 5, my mom taught me to sew by hand for the first time and, I made clothing for my tiny dolls. It kept me busy in my bedroom after school for years. Eventually I gave my dolls and everything to my nieces.

2. What is the mission of your business?

Aura Lavender with broccoliandcrystals

The main mission of Broccoliandcrystals is to provide vegan options for our wardrobes. I also design the clothes in such a way that focuses on the color therapy aspect of clothing. Of course, I’m really passionate about the cruelty free aspect too, like including vegan furs. Recently I’m working on adding an ADD/ADHD focused shopping experience to the mix since those with ADD/ADHD brains work slightly differently but also very creatively. Although Broccoliandcrystals clothing is really for anyone who wants to put color in their wardrobe with classy silhouettes or some that are Avant Garde silhouettes, knowing its vegan.


3. What do you think of our fashion community in Colorado?

I think the fashion community in Colorado is perfect. It’s just finally starting to blossom and it is here to stay as a perennial. If the Denver Fashion industry was a plant, I’d say it finally got to the point where the roots are well established, the leaves have grown and the buds are ready to blossom in fertile soil. It’s a great time to establish your-self and the only competition is your-self. There are plenty of people willing to collaborate, trade for services and get paid for their work, yet not at a ridiculous price; since everyone is trying to find their style, path and go-to contacts. It’s an inspiring place to work and be your own boss. There’s no one to intimidate you and say you’re not good enough. 

5790846_orig4. Describe your style, both personally, and in what you are designing.

With Broccoliandcrystals I tend to design classy silhouettes with focus on colors (monochromatic, color blocking, minimalist) and some Avant Garde silhouettes. I like designing something that will last and the seams don’t bug the wearer. Then I throw in a few surprises like vegan fur dresses.

When it comes to adding jewelry on the runways/photo shoots , I do not include that much jewelry or none at all. Maybe it’s because I am still looking for the right kind of jewelry or because I barely wear jewelry myself. But I think the less fuss, the more awe but, things can change anytime. 

Personally my style has evolved every year. I’ve tried many ‘style personas’ throughout the years. However since I need to keep dressing up simple, I stick to textures, solid colors and, silhouettes. On weaved fabrics, my favorite prints are floral and, spiritual indie prints in small doses. Sometimes I like stripes. But when it comes to anything knit or crochet, that’s where I go crazy with patterns.

5. 3 things if stranded on an island?

Pack of veggie seeds, pack of flower seeds, and a mix pack for berry bushes. Good to go. Unless there’s vegetation already there, hopefully the island is not just a bunch of sand or I need to grow sea vegetables. 

Links to social media and websites:

Etsy www.broccoliandcrystals.etsy.com

Blog www.broccoliandcrystals.weebly.com

Website www.broccoliandcrystals.com

Portfolio www.auralavender.crevado.com

Instagram (personal) www.instagram.com/auralavender

Instagram (business) www.instagram.com/broccoliandcrystals

Facebook www.facebook.com/broccoliandcrystals

Pinterest www.pinterest.com/auralavender

Twitter www.twitter.com/theauralavender

Youtube Channel Broccoliandcrystals

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