Gary Lee Days Pin Up Fashion Show

Gary Lee Days Pin Up Fashion Show!
September 17th 3pm
176 S. Broadway

Music, fashion and fun featuring amazing designers and a fun weekend of celebration!

Join the community for a 2 day of celebrating everything Gary Lee loved! Kicking off the event on Friday September 16th at 8pm we have Pretty Mouth and the Trade-Ins! Saturday we begin the festivities with the surf rock sounds of the Royal Aces, followed by a pin up fashion show put on by Equillibrium, and a pompadour and pin up hair contest with competing salons. After that we have the ridiculous shenanigans of the band Gravity Tapes. Around 6pm there will be a live auction (as well as a silent auction that runs through the day) with some very rare Gary Lee creations all benefiting Max Fund. Everyone knows how Gary loved his dog Clarence, who will also make an appearance. And closing, the have a DOUBLE HEADLINER with Kerry Pastine and the Crime Scene and the Nuns of Brixton.

This will be an annual event, so don’t miss the FIRST EVER Gary Lee Days!


Gary Lee

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