How Do You Do?

Hello Fashion Denver!

To start off, my name is Alyssa Noguchi and I am extremely excited to announce that I will be Fashion Denver’s spring intern!

A little background about me:

I am twenty-two years of age and was born and raised in Denver. Currently, I am a senior at Colorado State University studying apparel merchandising. I have always loved fashion, when I was little I would always play dress up; even now I still love to “play” dress up. But I didn’t always have my sights set on a career in fashion.994665_10202566092541837_1146752757_n For a good 16 years of my life, I was a dancer. I went to an arts high school, took dance classes every day after school and attended California Institute of the Arts for a semester to try to pursue a career in dance. I would live and breathe dance, it was all I knew for 16 years, until one day I realized that dance was becoming something that I felt that I had to do instead of something that I had a passion of doing. So, I made one of the best decisions of my life: to quit dance and go to school a little closer to home.

I am now at a school that I love, studying some10634079_10205439348131431_3626750693180227068_othing that I truly am passionate about and excited to constantly learn more about. Without knowing it, fashion has always been a constant in my life, I was always styling outfits for dance pieces and I would always doodle design sketches in my free time. Fashion may be a constant in my life, but my personal style is always changing. Dance was a way I used to express myself, but now fashion has become a source for my self-expression, which is why my style is constantly changing.

I have always had a dream of owning my own successful business, and hopefully that dream can turn into a reality. I actually grew up around my family’s business, my whole life has been summer’s of working at the store and getting a behind the scenes look of the hard work it takes to run a small business. Because of my family and their business, I have learned to work hard and not to give up on dreams, however big they might seem.

I am thrilled to spend my last semester with Fashion Denver and to be able to have the opportunity to learn more alongside Brandi. I have great hopes for this spring and can’t wait to learn more and grow through this experience!


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