Brandi Shigley: The day that my mom and dad adopted me! Me and my new momma!!!

Life, death, and everything in between.. and fashion!

“I don’t ask why I have this cancer. It does me no good. Instead I need to fill my thoughts with positive thoughts.”
– Vicki Shigley

It’s hard to believe, but Fashion Denver was founded 15 years ago.  You can read the history of our beginnings by clickity clicking on this link.  Through the history of Fashion Denver, we’ve produced fashion markets, fashion shows, owned a retail space (2008-2012), worked with several small fashion businesses helping them to create their roots to grow. As we’ve ebbed and flowed, one thing that we’ve always focussed on is connecting and consulting.  As you may or may have not noticed, this past year, Fashion Denver has been on the quiet side of things and I wanted to share why this is so.

In 2018, my beautiful Grandmother passed away. My aunt, mom and I cared for beautiful Victoria and I got to experience her life as it came to an end here on earth. One of the things that my aunt and mom both emphasised was, “Learn how to be a caregiver as you may be doing this for your mother.”

Grandma Taff, my mother Vicki Shigley, and I, Brandi Shigley on mother's day 2016
Grandma Taff, my mother Vicki Shigley, and I, Brandi Shigley on mother’s day 2016

Last year, my amazingly beautiful mother Vicki Shigley, began chemo for a cancer that she has been battling since 2012. I remembered these words and remembered the experience as we took care of Grandma and I knew that it was time to be brave and face this cancer right alongside my mom.

Brandi & Vicki Shigley in Atlanta attending the Sarcoma Conference
Mom and I at the Sarcoma Conference last summer.

My mom and I traveled to Atlanta where we attended a Sarcoma Conference and heard from top doctors, I went to most all of her chemo treatments, and was right beside her for surgeries. Through it all, my mother faced it all with joy, courage and love.

Vicki Shigley

This photo was taken last summer on the day that my Momma, without any fear or hesitation, shaved her head for the first time when her hair began to fall out. I was more scared and nervous than she was! In the background of the heart is an image of cancer cells that she turned into a beautiful piece of art. She was an absolutely amazing needlepoint artist and would spend years completing projects. Our house is a museum of her work! I am not at all as patient in my own creativity. I’ve always admired this about my mommy!

Just a few weeks ago while in the hospital, I overheard her tell one of her friends that’s going through the same cancer, “I don’t ask why I have this cancer. It does me no good. Instead I need to fill my thoughts with positive thoughts.” 

And that’s just who my mom is. She is a light, a light that shines on through me.

Brandi Shigley: The day that my mom and dad adopted me! Me and my new momma!!!
The day that my mom and dad adopted me! Me and my new momma!!!

My mom passed away June 27th, 2019 and the past 2 weeks have been a whirlwind.

I am feeling everything from joy, to gratitude to sorrow and pain all in a day, sometimes even in minutes. Yet, I find the emotions that keeps rising to the top are joy, peace and celebration. My mom lived her life with so much joy, even through her pain. She encouraged my joy! She encouraged me to be expressive, calling me her rainbow and she saw me feel and express every color on that spectrum.

The past year, I chose to be present with my mom through her journey. Everything else became something that although important, was not priority. I began to learn that it’s okay to let things be quiet for a little bit.

Yet, here we are, 2 weeks after my mother’s passing and I began to feel overwhelmed with everything. Planning my mom’s Celebration of Life,  what to put in her obituary, Fashion Denver and all of the projects I want to do, and then it hit me…. Be still. Let things unfold when it is time. I don’t need to rush.

With all of this, I am very excited about the future of Fashion Denver. I am very excited about what is in store. I am very excited about the people that we’ll be working with and the events that we’ll be working on.

But for now, I will rest and get ready for a new chapter in life and in business!

Thank you all for the love, support and patience!
Yours till the cows come home,
Brandi S. Shigley | Founder of Fashion Denver