Fashion Denver Loves B-Cycle and we’re having a fun contest!

Make B-cycle a Local Fashion Statement

As part of Fashion Denver’s Spring Market on May 15, Denver B-cycle and Fashion Denver are partnering to kick off photo contest to help “Make B-cycle a Local Fashion Statement.”

Photo Contest Rules:

Contestants are to take a photo of themselves, in a creative and fun way that includes both aDenver B-cycle as well local clothing and accessories. Contestants must then upload their photo to either (or both!) Denver B-cycle or Fashion Denver’s Facebook pages, with clothing details.

Photos must be submitted before midnight, Monday, June 27th. The public will be encouraged to vote on their favorite B-cycle Fashion images.  The top three images with the most votes (aka Facebook “Likes”) by 9AM on June 30 win great prizes from Fashion Denver and Denver B-cycle. Some prizes include a Fashion Denver gift basket, a free annual B-cycle membership, free admittance to “Do what you love. Love what you do” workshop, plus more!

Start taking pictures!  B-cycles will be on hand at Fashion Denver’s Spring Market this Sunday on May 15, so bring your camera and your best Denver digs!

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