My trip to NARS & a fantastic contest too!

Today I meandered on over to Nordstroms to check out the book launch of “NARS Makeup your mind: Express Yourself” book and met with the Director of Global Artistry, James Boehmer.  Between 11am and 6pm today, they were doing cosmetic consultations and boy were they busy.

My adventure to NARS

Women were lined up in seats with professional NARS makeup artists sharing tips and techniques, all from the new book.  I loved looking through the book featuring women from all makes and models, shapes and sizes, colors and culture.  The neat thing about this book is that it has a translucent page that shows you exactly where to add the makeup. It looked to be really helpful.

As a woman who wears minimal makeup and has such bad vision that when I take my glasses off, I’m sure my makeup is not where it should be when I try to put it on, it was really inspiring to see this book.

I asked James a few questions.

1) What is your favorite thing about a woman’s face?

To sum up his answer, skin.  Skin is an important base to start and if your skin isn’t in good condition, then that makes a difference. In my mind I was happy that I exfoliated last night and put eye creme on this morning.

2) What cosmetic can I wear that would assist me in looking a little bit older (or at least my age)?

His answer in a nutshell was to add a bold color. Red lip color perhaps.  Then I thought about the Infxous Scrubs launch and how my makeup was done and the final touch, a beautiful red lipstain.  It wasn’t too red but definitely a pop of color. Now I want to buy that red lipstain that I wore for the event.

My adventure to NARS

I kept our meeting brief and learned some quick tips. I’ll definitely be picking up that book soon. Until then, I’m grateful to know the amazing makeup artists that can assist me in my time of need 🙂

While at this event, I ran into the fashion editor at 5280 Magazne, Georgia Benjou.

I’m looking forward to looking through this book and learning fun tips and tricks!

For more information visit:

Also! Check out the contest that NARS is having! asks users to recreate any or all of 12 selected looks from the book Makeup Your Mind Express Yourself. After recreating a look, users upload their photos, and compete to for a chance to win a trip to New York Fashion Week with us (flight, hotel, dinner, a makeup consultation at NARS new boutique, and backstage access to select shows).

Be sure to check out the website for all of the details by clicking here! I’m excited to attempt to make myself up 🙂

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