Otero Menswear: Short Men Standing Tall on Fitted, Sustainable Fashion

Interview with Co-Founder Steve Villanueva of Otero Menswear

Steve Otero, founder of Otero Menswear

So, what is so special about Otero Menswear?

Our company is founded on the belief that a well-dressed man is more confident and respected than a man in the same position who always looks out of place in his own clothes. And we also believe that dressing really well should be effortless. Because men with confidence, intelligence, and drive have better things to do than try on every shirt that should be in your size. In fact, we believe this so passionately that we completely reinvented the concept of clothing sizes.

Most men’s apparel brands are designed for an imaginary “average” body type—one that is roughly 5’10” or 5’11”, of middling weight, with a chest measurement that determines the width of the entire garment. All other sizes (XS-XXL) are created off of this template by making the shirt proportionally bigger or smaller. Basically, every man alive is expected to fit into only seven sizes, based on a body scale that doesn’t really exist.

In reality, men have two distinctive body types, that actually serve different functions, and these are defined by differences in the shoulder-waist ratio.

Otero Menswear

Click here to learn more about their sizing structure…

Because most shirts are sized for an “average” body that falls halfway in between triangular and rectangular, they can’t possibly fit anyone well. Triangular men will have to deal with strained shoulder seams and baggy waists, while Rectangular men will have too much room in the upper chest measurements so that the shoulders never hang properly.

In contrast, Otero utilizes a 3D Proportional Sizing methodology taking into account your exact height, size, and body type to provide you with a shirt that will fit comfortably at the shoulders and at the waist every single time. In addition, all the key design elements (from the collar to the cuff) are redesigned proportionally for each garment in 21 unique size options that account for your exact height and body type, as well as your size, so that every off-the-rack garment will feel perfect just for you.

Wow. But a really great wardrobe involves more than just a shirt, right?

Absolutely. We believe that style begins with wardrobe and ends with the perfect accessories. The most confident, eye-catching men are the ones who are perfectly coordinated, and whose accessories match the quality of his wardrobe. For that reason, we invented our own line of lushly handcrafted, full grain leather bags, belts, wallets, and bracelets.

And we’re also expanding our line to incorporate fashion-forward jeans tailored to the proportions of shorter men. Those will be available by the end of this summer, and we are going to augment our core line of go-to fashion with a few exclusive, irreplaceable pieces that are produced in limited batches and then never seen again. For instance, we are already planning the best white button-down shirt on the market, made from the finest Italian Cotton. But once it is gone, it is gone, and we will move to the next want – perhaps a jean jacket or a pair of winter-weight wool slacks. In fact, all of our customers can help choose our next limited-edition project by giving us feedback through our website. Best yet, everything will conform to our 3D Proportional sizing methodology, guaranteeing the best off-the-rack fit a man can find.

How did you get the idea for a clothing line for men who are 5’4”-5’9”?

My background is in business rather than apparel, but for my entire professional life, I’ve been frustrated by top brand clothes that have never fit me properly because I’m 5’7” and muscular across the shoulders, and the universal men’s sizing system is designed for men who are at least 5’10” and have a less dramatic shoulder-waist ratio. So, in my own way, I considered myself an expert in the apparel space—I know everything about how clothes shouldn’t be made and sized. Consequently, when I first envisioned Otero, I knew what I wanted to achieve: clothes that actually fit, not just my height and size, but also my body type. And, like most men, I did not want to have to try to wrap myself in the retractable metal tape measure from my garage or send in photos for some tailor to analyze. I just wanted to point-and-click my way to the best fit possible.

The fact that no one had ever done it didn’t stop me because I have never really believed in the word “can’t,” or that we are locked into doing things just because no one ever imagined a better alternative. When I encounter a problem, I automatically start strategizing a solution, and thinking about how I can personally make that problem into an opportunity. And that’s what we’ve created with Otero. It truly is a better way to dress for the shorter man (up to 5’9”), and who knows, maybe one day for men of all sizes and heights.

Otero Menswear

Anything else that we should know about Otero?

The final thing that makes Otero special is that we are deeply committed to ethical business practices. To that end, we have chosen biodegradable 100% cotton milled, woven, and knitted in different ways to offer a variety of strong, durable, breathable finished fabrics. We have also modeled our business to support key United Nations Sustainability Goals with particular focus on Good Health & Well-Being and Responsible Consumption & Production throughout our supply chain, our selected business partners, and through our internal company policies. We incorporate forward-thinking processes and technologies with the goal of exceeding environmental impact standards at every opportunity. As part of our core ethic and business practice, we will always personally see and approve of each facility to ensure such compliance. We work closely with our suppliers to assure compliance with all environmental regulations and best practices. We want you to feel good about every part of buying and wearing our shirts.

 And we will always go the extra mile because Otero was designed to shatter the standard of “average,” and it was designed for the kinds of men who share our passion for creating a better world. Our clothes reflect the confidence and precision valued by the men who wear them.

Otero Menswear: Anything But Average