Pajama Drive now through November 27th

Alongside with our Urban Angels, we are collecting new pajamas for kids less fortunate! Who doesn’t have memories of being in their favorite pajamas, nestled with the family on a cold cozy night watching movies. Or laying around in your jammies watching Saturday Morning Cartoons?

My favorite Holly Hobbie jammies on Christmas morning!
My favorite Holly Hobbie jammies on Christmas morning!

Pajamas are such a staple in our daily life, yet there are so many kids who don’t have the simple pleasure of having pajamas! So, let’s change that!!! From now until November 27th, we are collecting new pajamas for kids for both boys and girls.

You can drop off your donations to Green Spaces located at 2590 Walnut Street between the hours of 9-5pm Monday through Friday before November 27th. Or give me, Brandi, a call and we can make arrangements for pick up! 303-842-7298.

Let’s make these holidays a cozy comfort to those in need!