ADCD Paper Fashion Show

Paper Fashion Show Judge: Brandi Shigley

“It’s that time of year again, when designers from Denver
and beyond come to showcase their wonderful
paper designs on the runway!

This year marks the 13th Annual ADCD Paper Fashion
Show™, an event that features ingenious design teams
from diverse industries and backgrounds to showcase
unique fashions created solely from paper.

Brandi Shigley’s Interview with the Art Directors Club of Denver as she judges her 3rd Paper Fashion Show.  Click here for details… 

Brandi Shigley, judge of the 2017 ADCD Paper Fashion Show
Brandi Shigley, judge of the 2017 ADCD Paper Fashion Show. Photo Nathan Leech-Proffer

1) Why do you want to be a part of this year’s Paper Fashion show?

I was a judge at the Paper Fashion Show back in 2007 at the Oriental Theater and again in 2014. Every year it gets better and better and I look forward to see how this year will top off the past few years!

2) How do you think your opinion as a judge will be beneficial?

I hope that I am able to have an eye open for creativity and innovation. As somebody who started out my handbag career in 3rd grade making paper purses, I have a passion for paper and seeing how it is utilized.

3) This show is all about the arts, tell me how you relate/contribute to the arts?

Fashion is an art form and our body is our canvas. I like to think that what I choose to wear daily is my contribution to the expression of creative and artistic expression.

Brandi is the founder of Fashion Denver and VP of marketing for Bradley Allen, a company that designs dress apparel for the athletic male body. Her passion is turning dreamers into doers and serving the community in whatever way can to continue to spread hope and love. Shigley can be found rollerskating, making music, and doing random acts of harmless shenanigans.

When Shigley was in 3rd grade, she was obsessed with making paper purses. This is her original paper purse driver’s license and credit card. 
Brandi Shigley's original paper purse driver's license.
Fashion Denver was established in 2004 as a way to connect our local designers, boutiques, and stylists to fashion lovers in Colorado. Through the production of our seasonal fashion markets, fashion events, fashion camps, and business development, our passion continues to grow as we see more and more designers and boutiques shining in Denver.

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