Sahar Paz “Find Your Voice” Book Reading

Book Reading with Sahar Paz
April 25th, 2015 3-5pm
Fashion Denver HQ
1070 Bannock Street

“Words. It’s the one thing we all have in common.” Words are what helped Sahar Paz write the book “Find Your Voice: The Life You Crave is a Conversation Away” in which she shares the stories that not only took her voice, but brought back her voice. The book also serves as a guide for you to peel back your layers to listen and understand your inner voice. Brandi Shigley with Do What You Love, Love What You Do will have the pleasure of hosting Sahar Paz for her “Find Your Voice” book reading on April 25th at the Do What You Love World Headquarters, 1070 Bannock Street. The book reading will be free and open to the public.

FYV-cover-300x300Through “Find Your Voice” Sahar shares how she found the right remedy for living. She’ll help guide you to form daily habits that help you learn how to tune-in and listen to yourself. And once you have centered yourself, “Find Your Voice,” will help you build a vocabulary that is unique to your personality. And soon, your everyday practice will be the way you voice what you deserve with peace and clarity. This book is more than a memoir, it is a tool for reflection and a guide, based on Cognitive Behavior Therapy, for tuning in to your authentic, powerful inner voice to create the life you crave.

Screen shot 2015-03-09 at 7.39.49 PMSahar was shamed and shushed from the ages of 9 to 25, her thoughts, wardrobe and existence as a girl were ignored. Early in her life she didn’t have the emotional vocabulary to release the negative energy she was digesting in revolutionary Iran. Her family then relocated to the United States or Denver, Colorado to be exact when she was in third grade. This became a new life for her, the land of the free. Trying to endure a new home became harder than surviving the Iraq-Iran war. It took her over 15 years, several failed attempts at partnership and suicide to understand and overcome the effects of her previous experiences and learn to live with them.

This is not the first time Sahar Paz and Brandi Shigley have come together and collaborated. They first met in 2005 in which Brandi offered Sahar a scholarship to her “Do What You Love, Love What You Do” workshop. With the help of Brandi, Sahar became inspired, motivated and armed with the tools and techniques to go from a dreamer to a doer. They officially collaborated for the WorldLove tour, which was a workshop that inspired people to speak from the place where their soul and personality intersect, turning dreamers into doers.

Sahar and Brandi


To find out more about Sahar and “Find Your Voice,” visit her website at


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