Red Camper

Red Camper

I first met Maura Gramzinski, brains behind Red Camper,  in 2005. I had just moved back from San Diego to my home state of Colorado and had just begun to produce our Fashion Denver fashion markets. At the time, I was still making my b.shigley designs handbags. Through the creative Denver community our worlds came together. I was a huge fan of Maura’s work. She designs bags that are made of old slides. (See bags and read the story here).

Flash forward to last week when I saw a blog post featuring one of my favorite tiny towns in Colorado, Silver Plume! There, in Martha Stewart’s blog , was a blip about Red Camper, only it wasn’t the handbag Red Camper, I knew… it was a brand new endeavor! Delicious Jams!

Flash forward to yesterday when we took our dog to the dog park and stopped by the Farmer’s Market only to get to see the latest Red Camper endeavor in action with delicious Picnic Supplies!

Maura, you are an amazing inspiring Denver entrepreneur and we just love all that you do!


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