Sizzlin’ 6 Questions with Edith Muyinda

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of emceeing the African Fashion Show headed up by Edith Muyinda of Byasima Couture where we saw fashions from many different countries in Africa. It was an amazing show! Edith will be part of our fashion market this Sunday. Let’s take a look into her world, shall we?

What were your obsessions growing up?


How did fashion become the symbol for your creative expression?

Top / dress by Byasima Couture. Photo by Dante Canto X Images /

I have many sisters and sometimes when they were going out, they would have “wardrobe emergencies” in that all of a sudden they did not like their outfits – they would change from dress to dress stillTop / dress by Byasima Couture. Photo by Dante Canto X Images / d4nt3.comthey were not happy with how they looked, so I would make adjustments by putting a fold here or adding a piece of material there or make them wear a skirt as a dress – and they loved it! It was fulfilling to see what I had visualized expressed in what they were wearing.

Do you see a stylistic connection between the things you do in your daily life that is reflected into your collections? 

My daily life is simple and can easily relate to everyday person, so when I design, I take into account the everyday person and try to balance comfort and style in my collections

Top / dress by Byasima Couture. Photo by Dante Canto X Images /

What is your research process like before starting a collection?

I observe people on the train, and streets. I also, research on what is trending on the local, national and international level. I interview people. I review my portfolio to see if there is anything that can inspire me from my previous collection. I meditate on all the above then get inspired to design a new collection.

How has fashion impacted you?

I am fulfilling my dream to express myself as a designer. 

What is your opinion on the fashion scene in Denver from a designer’s perspective?

I love the way Denver is rapidly picking up in the fashion world. Also, I like the fact that fashion scene in Denver is embracing designs and designers from different backgrounds.

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