We are excited to announce that The Mechanic’s Wife will be part of our Fashion Denver Bonanza anniversary! This will be the first time that Sally, brains behind the beautiful jewelry, has shown at one of our markets. This small town Colorado girl brings her inspiration from her family and her passion for upcycling to her jewelry line and we all get to get a glimpse on June 16th! Let’s learn more, shall we?
1) What was your first memory of fashion inspiration that you can remember?
Honestly, I don’t remember, I just know I have always loved fashion, jewelry and designing. It’s just a part of me.
2) What motivated you to start your own fashion business?
I have this little problem of, “I can make that!” My mind constantly looks at things and automatically starts to think of what I can do with it, how I can make it into something, what else can it be used for. My business was created out of a passion to just create. It has encompassed everything from being a flower shop, interior decorating, clothing design, painted furniture and jewelry design. My 5 year old daughter, Elexx tells me daily I’m a “Maker”, and I think that describes me perfectly.
3) Tell us one of your fashion icons or designer influences?
I grew up in a small, rural town, so I was never exposed to big names, but my biggest influence has always been my aunt, LaVanda Mitchek. She taught me to be creative and I could do it, even if everyone else thought I was crazy. To look outside the box and be unique. She will forever be my biggest influence and icon.
4) What inspires your designs?
Life, but mainly my kids and the junk yard. Also my hammer. I love to pound metal and see what happens.
5) What are your thoughts about the fashion industry here in Denver?
I love that it is so diverse and always progressing. Denver has done a great job of embracing designers, both new and those who have experience in the fashion world.
7) What is one of your favorite pieces that you have ever designed and why?
This would have to be my Dream Catcher series of necklaces. I had various stones and metal stampings on my counter and a few just got swept to the side to make room for something else I was working on and when I looked over at it, inspiration just struck and I knew exactly what I was ment to create. My motto with them is “Dream It, Believe It”.
7) 3 Things if stranded on an island?
My husband and 5 kids
My tools
Metallica (Yes, the band)