Spring Fashion Market Designers: The Haus of Von Leeche & Sullivan

You’re in for a treat today because are announcing another designer that will take part in the market on Sunday! We are thrilled to have The Haus of Von Leeche join us on the Byers-Evans lawn!

The Haus of Von Leeche & Sullivan is a design Haus that produces the artwork of young artists of multiple art mediums.

Founded by the Von Leeche & Sullivan designers, unnamed-1Michael Sullivan and Lindsay Von Leeche, the design Haus features designs and artworks of all it’s artist. This includes clothing design, modeling, photography, graphic design, jewelry design, makeup, styling, music, cinematography, sculpting, and millinery design works. The company is also introducing a holistic entity in the company.

Collectively, The Haus of Von Leeche & Sullivan produces a designer collection of women’s and men’s wear every season that showcases and embodies the Haus as a whole.

If you would like to learn more about the designers and preview some of the designs, visit their website at http://www.vonleecheandsullivan.com/

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