TheLuxeDen at FROST

kendraBack in the mid-nineties, I used to snowboard on a small all women’s snowboarding team with Kendra Rostvedt. Kendra opened up a small snowboarding / skateboarding shop called Thrifty Stick and that soon expanded. It’s an honor to feature Kendra’s latest fashion endeavors at our 13th annual Fashion Denver fashion market FROST!

1) When did you realize that you wanted to pursue a career in fashion? Were you a child? What inspired you? 

I think my Sophomore year of high school I went all year (365 days) without wearing the same thing twice (I was an avid thrift store shopper otherwise I couldn’t have afforded that lol)  I was inspired with different styles, textures, pieces and colors and realized the world of clothing and fashion is much bigger that I ever imagined and I wanted to learn as much as I could about it.

2) Describe the pieces that you carry in your collection.

I mostly deal in closet staples.  I have various seasonal trend items as well but because I am very conscious of the body types and style preferences of my clients, I let them choose what they want to pursue when it comes to trend.

TheLuxeDen3) Who is your ideal customer? 

Any woman who wants to go in to her closet and know that whatever she chooses to put on her body from her closet, that the item that she chooses will fit her great and she can feel confident and secure knowing that she looks good even if it takes her 5 minutes to get dressed.

4) What do you think about the fashion industry here in Denver and how are you contributing to our fashion scene?

With all of the people moving into town from so many places I think the demand for what we have here in Denver is changing.  I believe that we, the fashion industry in Denver, seems to be a bit more conscious of what people need and want vs what we think they need and want based off of our own personal styles and wants.  I am contributing to the fashion scene by servicing my clients to the best of my ability and by giving them an array of options to pick and chose from to dress their bodies.  I believe I contribute to the scene by educating and helping individual clients express themselves through their clothing and by helping them appreciate their own bodies and their own style therefore inspiring them to be more into fashion.   


5) What are you fashion goals for the next year? 

My goal always is to make each individual that I work with feel confident and secure in knowing that when they walk out the door that they can take on whatever challenges they have through the day more successfully because they feel confident in what they are wearing.  When you don’t, it makes a huge impact on your day.  That within itself goes a LOOONNGGG way.  My goal is do a lot more of helping individuals experience that feeling.  

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